Wednesday, April 29, 2009

tranquilate and the playground

I am having a low level freak out kind of day... it is near the end of my time here (with a month left) and I have no job when I return. Not really a problem since I want some time to spend with friends and family, but still I am finding all these incredible camps where I could goof around with kids, teach, canoe, do pottery, eat good food and live in a community of people my age- sounds perfect. But I need some time to adjust to being back in the US and won´t be returning until all these camps have started. Deal with it. Here exists a word for what I need to do- tranquilate- you need to be tranquil.

But the playground, the post long awaited with great anticipation. Our goal was to have the primary structure completed by the time the medical mission arrives and so it is. Here is a picture. Phil has been great with getting the plans drawn and knowing where to put things and I´d like to think I have been pretty good at trouble shooting- like what we should do when we realized we forgot to buy two essential 4x4 wood posts. Here is a picture of what we've done so far.

When the Italian who runs the thing saw the monkey bars he said "What are these for, to kill more kids?" Yep that´s the goal. He's crazy. So we have to add 2 wood swings, 1 tire swing, finish a small tire climbing wall, make a tire pyramid, and a tire pole. I think we can do it in the time we have and get it all painted. It warmed my heart to hear when we talked to the mom of one of the houses that the kids always ask when the swings are going to be done and when will Mateo and Felipe return to play?

On a minor note, we jumped the fence late at night to get back inside. The dogs weren't out yet (I think), but the boss was not too happy with us.

And I am helping translate for the dentists on the medical mission. I give out toothbrushes, fill out patient information sheets, and whatever else needs to be done. The best was when one kid who had a really rooted tooth pulled was finished, he jumped out of the chair and with a muffled voice and a brushing motion asked for toothpaste... he wasn't going through that again.
I also get to blow bubbles. Yeah.

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