Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cookies and Tunes

Last Sunday we went to Chatun with the jefe (boss) and his family. It is a park with a pool, a nature hike, a campground, food, and a clown with speakers so loud they have to clean the pool from all the bleeding ears. It was fun, but I got a little sunburned and felt drained. I finished one of the three books I am reading- A sunburned Country by Bill Bryson. Hilarious, also funny that I had a dream about traveling there with a friend who I haven´t seen since grad. and Austrailia was two islands. Wierd. Must be the malaria drugs.

We went to the school to find out more about teaching English. We start next Wed. and will have two classes for an hour each in the afternoon. In the mornings I plan to spend an hour each day studying spanish because I am tired of not knowing what other people say. At the same time, I really enjoy knowing that other people don´t know what I am saying when I speak English. Probably a bad habit to pick up. Especially because when no one knows what you are saying, swearing doesn´t matter- so a lot of times I ask Phil ¨What the hell did he say, I swear every f´ing time I tell this guy to talk slower and he just speeds up...crazy bastard.¨ Of course this is said in an endearing way because he the guy is a kind soul. Anyway, on the way out of the school I saw some guy playing guitar with kids. I asked him where I could get a guitar, not only did he go with me to get a good one, but bought me a really good kind of lemonaid they have here, and offered to give me lessons.

So things are good. Yoga, reading, guitar, learning spanish, and running-working out (they have a really strange weight lifting system where you use your own body wieght) should keep me busy for a while. Not to mention Phil and my side project (you´ll have to ask about this one cause I am not going to mention it). My i-pod broke, so I miss music.

Phil and I made monster cookies tonight (they don´t have reg. m&m´s so we used christmas mini´s- and I doubt they are from this coming christmas. Since they don´t have many good sweets the monks loved them. We made a double batch and they are gone now. Thieving monks snuck into the kitchen and grabbed bags and bags.

One last thing that I love- You can go up to most people, not just good friends (one monk who is about 55 says it every morning to me at breakfast) and say ¨Que putas?¨ which litterally means- What´s up prostitutes, (or bitches). Cool.

-i´ll put up a new picture or two soon